Price Comparison for FIDO Security Key

  Vendor Name FIDO2 U2F typeA typeC FP NFC BLE bulk price ExcelSecu FD200 yes yes yes         15.00 25.00 FD202 yes yes yes     yes   18.00 30.00 FD203 yes yes yes     yes Yes 24.00 40.00 A company a type yes yes yes     yes     […]

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FIDO2/U2F key
GIGA School Security

GIGA(Global and Innovation Gateway for All)School concept is an educational project promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Maintenance measures requirements ICT utilization plan in "one person one vehicle environment", follow-up plan such as improvement of teacher skills based on the achievement status, the capital based on the standard […]

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FIDO2/U2F key
FIDO2/U2F Challenge and Response Protocol

FIDO2/U2F Key is used as a two- step verification to compensate for password vulnerabilities . Password is more than 80% causes of cyber attacks. In addition, it is so difficult to remember all the passwords, but people continue to use the passwords. It is because people do not pay for passwords. A way to solve this cost issue and ensure security is to deploy an inexpensive eSecure […]

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